韓國食品-[AXE] 주방세제 리필세트 (레몬) 2600g


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[AXE] 주방세제 리필세트 (레몬) 2600g



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AXE is the no.1 Dishwashing Detergent brand in Hong Kong for 15 consecutive years*.
Enriched with Vitamin E and Chamomile Essence, safeguard your hands.
Strong degreasing ability and no residue.
Mild foam and is easy to rinse.

3 different fragrances offered in this range: Lemon, Jasmine & White Tea, and Grapefruit.
Lemon: Strong degreasing power to make cutlery sparkling clean.
Jasmine & White Tea: A refreshing fragrance to make dishwashing a joyful one.
Grapefruit: Citrus tone to remove fishy stink.


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韓國食品-[AXE] 주방세제 리필세트 (레몬) 2600g


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